[two_fifth] [note type=”alert”] Server Upgrade Notification [/note]
Due to server upgrade we will be performing data migration to the much higher performing server on which hosting account is being hosted. During the server shift, We will highly recommend to not to upload data until shifting is completed. During the process there will be no downtime, however IP Address will change. We will update you for new IP address. We will update the IP addresses for the domains we are managing, if you have own control of the domains registered with other registrars you need to update the Name Server and / or IP address of the same.
IP address change will take a while to update usually 24 hours to 48 hours or in some cases may be more.
We apologize for the short notice and inconvenience this may have caused.Please let us know if we can be in further assistance or need further clarification.
[three_fifth] Server Specifications
Dual E5530 2.40GHz Xeon quad core hyperthreaded processors
250 GB RAID 1 (mirrored) OS drive
1 TB RAID 1 (mirrored) customer data drive cached
Battery backed, RAID controller for all drives
Redundant Power, HVAC & Fire-Detection Systems
Programming Support
PHP 5.2x, Perl, Python, GD, cURL, CGI, mcrypt
Apache 2.2x
Zend Optimizer, Zend Engine, ionCube Loader
Security & Access
Anti Spam & Virus Protection
Password Protect Directories
Secure FTP Access
IP Blocking
phpMyAdmin Access
Hotlink & Leech Protection
Cron Jobs for Scheduled Tasks
Customizable Error Page
Website Statistics with AWstats
Email & Domain Name Features
Outlook, Thunderbird and Windows Mail compatible
Blackberry, iPhone, Android and PDA support
Feature packed Webmail
Advance Spam/Virus Protection
Mail Forwards, Email Aliases, Auto Responders
Unlimited Mailing Lists, Catch All Accounts, Mail Spam Filters
Parked Domains
Free DNS Management
Domain Forwarding, Path Forwarding, URL Masking [/three_fifth]
जल द ह आपक Dedicated server ह और आपक ह स ट ग बढ य चल यह क मन ह !
We have Dedicated Servers located in UK, US, India.
We are providing Shared Web Hosting, Reseller Web Hosting both for Linux and Windows